Monday, August 16, 2010

The Peaceful Minds Center Thought For The Week

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."   ~ Rumi


Karen K. said...

This quote made me think about one of my own barriers to love, mainly self-love. It was shame. With coaching and therapy, I was able to gradually take down that barrier. By forgiving others, and forgiving myself for past "mistakes" (which I am now grateful for), I experienced a new way of seeing myself. I read a book "Forgive and Forget" which had a wonderful passage..."When you forgive yourself, you rewrite your script. What you are in your present scene is not tied down to what you did in an earlier scene. The bad guy you played in act one is eliminated and you play act two as a good guy."

Tommy said...

It's amazing to me how we create it all. We weave that hat of suffering then put it on. After a while it's just a part of us and we don't even notice it - 'til we get tired of the pain and suffering and find the courage to take it off.

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