Monday, August 2, 2010

The Peaceful Minds Center Thought For The Week

"One thing that helps our minds be peaceful is the knowing that everything that is happening is somehow moving us closer to what we really want - even when we don't understand how. The Universe is always conspiring to help us."

 ~ Tom Notarianni Jr.

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alicen collins said...

wow...I am realizing that is so true in my life right now!! Everything is coming together like pieces of a ginormous puzzle!! Thanks, Tommy...

Tommy said...

If we look back on our lives its easier to see the connections. There have been times that the last thing I wanted to experience was what I was experienced. Now, I wouldn't trade those experiences for all the tea in China ... As painful as some of them were, they have led me to a peaceful place (most of the time ;) Now I don't have to experience such painful things before I am willing to change. I can see the signs fast and change things sooner.

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