Thursday, April 7, 2011

Know The Change, Then Be The Change

We must first understand the change we wish to see in the world. Then, as Gandhi said, be that change ourselves. Be an example of that change - that's the difficult part. It takes much devotion and selflessness on a daily basis to become the change we wish to see. The best way to change the world is to change ourselves. Then, and only then can we teach others to do the same. They will naturally gravitate towards that pure energy. 

  Tom Notarianni Jr.

©2011 All Right Reserved The Peaceful Minds Center™LLC 561-531-3626


Tommy said...

The world is unfolding in its own natural way. There are many things the Universe must consider of which we are not - and may never be - aware. We are so conditioned that to change the world means to be externally focused - to go outside ourselves and fix something "out there". That is not where true and lasting positive change lies. It lies in our ability to change ourselves. Imagine if everyone on the world were looking at it this way. If we were not concerned with what others are doing and remaining focused on what we are doing and more importantly who we are being. Imagine if everyone took the time to learn how to care about the person next to them as much or more then they care about themselves. What would life be like then? What would the world be like? We cannot Love others until we Love ourselves. We cannot take of others until we take care of ourselves. We cannot change the world by constantly trying to change others - we must focus completely on ourselves and who we are being in each moment. Then, decide whether or not we are putting forth the version of us that is best for world.

Love you guys,

Oliver said...

That's the truth very well put. I have much more leverage when I try to change myself - for I know myself better than anybody else :-)

Tommy said...

Thanks Oliver. The work that is required is the on our own minds. Imagine a world full of Peaceful Minds ...

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