Saturday, January 29, 2011

Laugh Your Way To God

OSHO -First: Religion is a complicated joke. If you don’t laugh at all you have missed the point; if you only laugh, you have missed the point again. It is a very complicated joke. And the whole life is a great cosmic joke. It is not a serious phenomenon – take it seriously and you will go on missing it. It is understood only through laughter.
Have you not observed that man is the only animal who laughs? Aristotle says man is the rational animal. That may not be true – because ants are very rational and bees are very rational. In fact, compared to ants, man looks almost irrational. And a computer is very rational – compared to a computer, man is very irrational.
My definition of man is that man is the laughing animal. No computer laughs, no ant laughs, no bee laughs. If you come across a dog laughing you will be so scared! Or a buffalo suddenly laughs: you may have a heart attack. It is only man who can laugh; it is the highest peak of growth. And it is through laughter that you will reach to God – because it is only through the highest that is in you that you can reach the ultimate. Laughter has to become the bridge.
Laugh your way to God. I don’t say pray your way to God, I say laugh your way to God! If you can laugh you will be able to love. If you can laugh you will be able to relax. Laughter relaxes like nothing else.
So all jokes to me are prayers – that’s why I tell them.
And you ask: “Why don’t you laugh at your own jokes?”
Because I have heard them before.

"You are drunk!" shouts the barman of the Groggy Doggie Pub, at Paddy, who just has slipped slowly onto the floor again.
"I'm not drunk at all!" insists Paddy, picking himself up. "In fact, I'm not even drunk a little bit, and I'll prove it to you. Now, you see that cat just coming in the door? Well, it has only got one eye."
"You're drunker than I thought," says the barman. "That cat is going out!"

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Sting Of How We Sometimes Behave

“In the days, weeks, months and sometimes years following an argument, all we're left with is the sting of how we chose to behave or the comfort in the remembering of who we chose to be in that moment.”
  ~  Luke Kleinschuster

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Ridiculousness Of Our Misery

Yes, when you see for the first time, a great laughter arises in you - the laughter about the whole ridiculousness of your misery, the laughter about the whole foolishness of your problems, the laughter about the whole absurdity of your suffering. - Osho

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Peaceful Mind Center Thought For The Week

"The cause of happiness is good deeds performed from a sense of Love, Compassion and Joy"

  ~  Venerable Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche

"For Evil (Ego) To Flourish ..."

For evil (ego) to flourish, all that is needed is for good people to do nothing."

  ~  Edmund Burke

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Peaceful Minds Center Thought For The Week

“Many times the best thing to do is nothing. Things tend to work themselves out as needed. If we allow them to unfold in their own way as we stay focused on ourselves and our integrity, we usually find that we end up exactly where we intend. it requires too much effort to push the river and it doesn’t help anyway”.
~  Tom Notarianni Jr.

©2009 All Right Reserved The Peaceful Minds Center™LLC 561-531-3626

Friday, January 7, 2011

Only Clear Eyes Can See Heaven

As I wipe the fog of unconsciousness from my eyes I see more and more clearly a world of egos beating their chests both individually and collectively. This world seems to be one big argument. Even the benevolent succumb to the allure of the ego under the pretense of righteousness. I myself have participated in the very same insanity. Our own government demonstrates clearly the dilapidated state of our individual and collective consciousness. Aside from a few small pockets of adolescent consciousness and rare few of the truly wise, the rest of us seem doomed to a life of being upset over the most insignificant of things. Our true nature seems to remain a mystery ... Over thousands of years ... Care about the person next to you as if they were your grandmother and daughter rolled up into one and forget about the guy that cut you off on the highway as quickly as you can and I promise you that the next time you open your eyes you will see heaven. 

  ~  Tom Notarianni Jr.

©2009 All Right Reserved The Peaceful Minds Center™LLC 561-531-3626

The Moment You Adopt A Sense Of Caring For Others ...

I feel that the moment you adopt a sense of caring for others, it brings you inner strength. Inner strength brings inner tranquility, greater self-confidence. Because of such attitudes, even when things going on around you seem hostile and negative, you can still sustain your peace of mind.

  ~ Dalai Lama